An autumn full of adventure in Obsotelje and Kozjansko
Jesenski meseci prinašajo obilo možnosti za raznovrstna doživetja v naravi, za spoznavanje bogate zgodovine in tradicije ter nenazadnje preprosto za sproščanje in iskanje ravnovesja s pomočjo termalne in mineralnih voda. Vsega imamo obilico v Obsotelju in na Kozjanskem!
Po jesenske utrinke v slovenski zdraviliški biser
A wide range of cultural and entertainment events and concerts at various venues in and around the spa centre are the icing on the cake for a relaxing break.
For experiences and entertainment for different generations and tastes
Phursday, Bistrica ob Sotli and Kozje, EXPERIENCES – “BACK TO BEING”
With the motto that “The meaning of life is…to experience as much as possible!” you are invited to discover the soul, beauty and sparkling experiences among the hills of Obsotelje and Kozjansko!
Regional Park invites you
Kozjanski park odet v barve jesen
Visit one of the oldest and largest protected areas in Slovenia with an outstanding natural and cultural heritage.
Turn back time… when you visit Rogatec
Rogatec, crossroads of history
Visit the largest open-air museum in Slovenia or listen to the stories of the nobles and the castle lords at Strmol Manor and taste the heritage in person!
Experiences through the front door of Obsotelje and Kozjansko
Šmarje pri Jelšah, a treasure trove of experiences among the green hills
The hilly landscape of Obsotelje, dotted with churches and vineyards, invites you to explore… while enjoying some great cultural events or getting inspired at the Baroque Museum…